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Friday, October 23, 2009

Eumora Is NOT a Soap!

If someone tries to tell you that the Eumora is a soap, don’t listen! It is true that soaps dry out our skin due to the high PH levels of the binders used in soap. It is also true that the PH level for Eumora is around 5.65- exactly the balance our skin needs. This is why, after consistent use, dry skin becomes less dry and oily skin becomes less oily. The Eumora tones and balances the skin very well. The manufacturer of the Eumora has the world patent on the material that binds the bar together. It is not drying like a binder you would find in a soap. It cannot be found in any other product in the world and this makes the Eumora very unique. Also, the Eumora is made of four different organic algae that literally heal the skin several layers down. The Heilmoor clay detoxifies the skin resulting in deep-cleansed skin with minimized pores. It acts as a toner, cleanser, exfoliate and moisturizer. It is great for acne, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, dry skin, oily skin, large pores, hyper-pigmentation and much more. The longer you use it, the better your skin gets. It really is a one of a kind product and because it replaces all of your skincare products, it is very cost-effective too. It is suitable for all skin types. So, I agree with all of the skincare experts that soap is terrible for your skin and, like many, would never let a bar of soap near my face. After using the Eumora for 6 months very consistently and as directed, I will never use another product or be without this one (and I’ve tried them ALL!). I can’t find anyone who has used it correctly who doesn’t feel the same way. What you get is very healthy, hydrated, toned and balanced skin….

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